The threaded end of a rigid lance where it connects directly to a manifold is its weakest point. A break at this threaded connection renders an otherwise good lance unstable.
Our Rigid Lance Holders provide full support to the lance at a point well in front of the thread. The lance holder is designed to be the best available on the market. It uses a collet and lock nut of the same design as used for a machine shop lathe, which provides a vise-like grip on the lance, completely relieving stress on the thread.
Installation or removal of the lance is very easily accomplished. Simply slide the End Cap, Collet and Lance Holder Support Tube on to the lance in that order and screw the lance in to the Lance Holder Body. The Lance Holder Tube is then screwed in to the Body, and the Collet is secured in to the Lance Holder Tube by the End Cap. The lance will then be fully supported.
- 15-20K psi Rigid Lance Holders Specs Sheet
- 10-40K psi Lances & Related Catalog